How Lifestyle choices can benefit hemorrhoids

Did you know that over 60% of Canadians experience hemorrhoids? While medical treatment is important, positive lifestyle choices are key to symptom relief and prevention. What are the 3 Life-saving Golden Tips? DIETARY MODIFICATIONS In our previous blog, we emphasized the significance of a balanced, fiber-rich diet. Staying hydrated is also essential, as it aids […]
How To Exercise When You Have Hemorrhoids

It’s still possible to exercise when you have hemorrhoids—you just have to make sure you do the appropriate exercises and in the right way! As more and more people have come to realize, hemorrhoids are often attributed to being caused by a low-fibre diet and an overly sedentary lifestyle. Such a combination often leads to […]
Treating bleeding hemorrhoids: when to see a doctor

For the most part, hemorrhoids cause discomfort and some pain, which most people can deal with one way or another. However, bleeding hemorrhoids often cause more concern or alarm to people, and a decision needs to be made when to see a doctor or hemorrhoid specialist. The causes of hemorrhoids are generally well-known. This is […]
Diet and Hemorrhoids – What to Eat and What to Avoid When You Have Hemorrhoids

People who follow a low-fibre diet or lead a non-active lifestyle commonly get hemorrhoids. Such a combination often leads to chronic constipation, one of the critical causes of the ailment. Some estimates suggest that around 75% of adults, especially those over 60, get hemorrhoids at some point in their life. However, several well-known ways exist […]
Prevent hemorrhoids by following the right diet
It is estimated that some 75% of adults will get hemorrhoids at some in their life, but there are ways to prevent hemorrhoids and avoid the discomfort and pain they bring. Typically, people who eat a low fibre diet and lead a sedentary lifestyle are especially prone to hemorrhoids, as this often leads to chronic […]